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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  August 13, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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grossman throws. touchdown santana moss. >> that's what we like to hear. the washington redskins get off to a good start. this morning opinioned fans. first, though, the fbi raids the home of the man the aruban woman was with. good morning, it is saturday, august 13th, 2011. we'll get to the headlines in just a moment. but first a look at our
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forecast. kim is keeping an eye on things out there. >> that nice low humidity, that's getting a cab out of town. instead, we'll see the humidity levels rise and we'll look at some showers and horms that will be more abundant later this afternoon. you're waking up to a pretty comfortable feel especially in frederick, it's 61. 66 in gaithersburg and 74 inside the beltway. but i'm watching a few isolad showers beginning to be detected by radar down there just south and west of fredericksburg. we'll see more of those later this afternoon. so what you need to know, by 9:00, we're clouding up, 74. 84 by noon, and a good bet for thunderstorms by 3:00. 88. more to come or whether or not it will be a washout. new from overnight, a woman hit and killed in prince george's county. police say she was trying to walk across route 210 at kirby
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hill road in fort washington about 12:15 morning when she was hit by a car. we're told the driver did remain on the scene and is cooperating with investigators. authority its say alcohol was not a factor. also new, park police on the scene of a deadly accident. it happened on the bw parkway at 197, a truck hit a tree there. joining us by phone is a sergeant from the park police. we appreciate you calling in this morning. can you bring us up to speed on where things stand now? >> right now the southbound baltimore park sway closed while we're doing the crash reconstruction. we had a motor vehicle leave the roadway, go into the tree line and we have two confirmed fatalities at the scene and we have several other occupants of the vehicle that have been transported to local hospitals, some with serious and life threatening injuries. >> you can tell us anything about the people in the vehicle? there had been reports there
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were children involved. >> we have multiple people in the vehicle and all those people were transported to local hospitals and we do have the two confirmed fatalities. >> are the fatalities are adults or otherwise? >> i won't go into the specifics, but i do believe they are adults. >> any idea at this point what may have led to the crash? >> well, right now our detectives are investigating the crash scene, so the causative factors won't be determined for quite some time. >> so folks who may be needing to use the bw parkway south bound, what do they need to know in terms of using the roadway? >> i think the suggested work around would be to use route 1 or interstate 95. everyone coming south on the bw parkway will be pushed off at route 197 going in towards laurel. >> any indication of how long that road may be closed? >> my anticipation is that it will be several more hours at least. >> all right. sergeant, we appreciate you
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bringing us up to speed this morning. we'll be in touch with you throughout the morning. >> thank you. and now to a developing story out of gaithers purchasing in the case of a missing woman in aruba. last night federal authorities raided the home of gary giordano, the last man seen with robyn gardner. gardner disappeared while snorkeling and he remains on the island as a suspect. jackie bensen has more on the search of his maryland home. >> reporter: just before 9:00 p.m., a caravan of fbi and police vehicles worked either way down pueblo road toward the home of gary giordano. he is jailed in aruba, a suspect in the disappearance of robyn gardn gardner, the maryland woman with who he traveled to the island. >> we're here this evening to execute a federal search warrant on the residence. the search is be conducted purchase support to a criminal investigation.
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because this is an active investigation, we cannot comment further on the progress of the investigation or our findings here. >> reporter: more than two dozen agents approached the house. sources tell news 4 they are expected to seize computer, video disks and search for hidden cameras. some agents carried large containers presumably for evidence, others carried protective shields. officials would not answer questions about why that precaution was needed. >> for our safety and yours, we're asking every here to stay off the property until search operations are complete. >> reporter: as monday's court hearing approaches, the investigation into what happened to 35-year-old robyn gardner intensifies. aruba's solicitor general says he believes she is dead, be he needed evidence of a crime to continue to hold the 50-year-old giordano. and monday's hearing will be to kerm whether prosecutors can continue to hold gary giordano in aruba. jackie bensen, news 4 today. a man is dead after being shot and killed by an off duty
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federal police officer. prince george's county police say the shooting happened aro1: yesterday afternoon in clinton, maryland. police say the off duty officer was trying to break up a violent assault when one of the men pulled out a gun. the officer fired shots when the man turned toward him and refused to put down the weapon. police have not identified the man killed. all lanes of the outer loop of the belt way in tyson's corner closed for construction of the hot lanes project there. crews are working to install steel beams across the roadway. take a look at this, this is what the backup looks like around midnight near the old dominion drive overpass. all lanes of southbound 495 will remain closed until about 8:00 this morning and now a live look at that area, lanes will close again between 9:30 tonight and 8:00 tomorrow morning. traffic is being detoured on to the dulles toll road and detour signs are up on on help you get back to the outer loop. it will be hard to avoid
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delays if you plan to take metro. the transit agency doing work on four of its five train lines. maintenance is on the met row red line, blue, orange and yellow, as well. trains are sharing tracks between various sayings. crews are also making platform and station repairs. there is no scheduled work on the green line. should all be finished by tomorrow evening. president obama's health care reform law suffered a major blow as an appeals court ruled a piece of the legislation is unconstitution unconstitutional. they said forcing every american to carry health insurance is illegal. the states say that portions of the health care law violate individual rights. government attorneys are expected on to ask the full 121th circuit court to review the ruling and there's a schns this debate will reach the supreme court before it's all said and done. it wasn't the prettiest of games, but the redskins started the preseason off in the right
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way defeating the pittsburgh steelers. a win is a win. the skins defense held the steeleders offense to just 186 total yards. and washington racked up more than 3450 total yards on offense. the mvp, kicker gram gi know. they went on to win 16-7. sure the stars didn't play the entire game and it was only the preseason, but redskins fans will take a win anyway we can get it. dars city spencer was at fed text field with the fans pumped up to see the burgundy and gold. >> reporter: it's the first preseason game and the redskins are battling the steelers on home turf. so far fans like what they see. the skins were the first to score a touchdown. >> excellent the defense. offense has a ways to go, but they moved the ball up and down the field and the defense played really great. >> reporter: redskins fans are hoping for improvements over last year's 6-10 record.
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the skins dumped quarterback donovan mcnabb, a disappointment for some. and it's unclear who will replace him. >> lots of energy. the red skips got a touchdown, i was happy and thrilled to see grossman accomplish that. >> they did pretty well because they scored first. >> reporter: this is the first game the skins are playing following an nfl lockout that threatened the season. some fans believe that a few games might be canceled, but no one we spoke to feared that the lockout would continue. >> we knew the players would rally and the owners would rally. we knew that would happen. >> reporter: were you concerned that the season wasn't going to happen? >> no, her going to play. too much money out will. >> reporter: while the youngest fans had to head home earl will to make bedtime, others wouldn't miss a minute, even if it is a preseason game. darcy spencer, news 4 today. and we'll have plenty more later in this half hour including reaction from the players on on that win. for now, it is 6:09 and we're just hours away from the first real test of the
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republican race for president. coming up, how candidates are trying to sway potential voters before this political ppularity. plus how bert ander any are now the subject of a national debate. ♪
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♪ oh, won't you be good to yourself? ♪ ♪ and don't you feel like coming home? ♪ ♪ ♪ it'll be like coming home [ male announcer ] some rooms feel like a fish bowl. but in our roomy suites, you can spread out and live a little. with breakfast, dinner, and drinks included, you'll feel right at home. ♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪
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the first official vote will take place. the iowa straw poll starts at 10:00 this morning and nine republican candidates are on the ballot. it isn't the deciding factor for next november's election, but it can help or break campaigns. steve handelsman followed the candidates as they made their last minute pitches. >> reporter: conservatives gathered before the straw poll. michele bachmann implied she'll win. >> tomorrow is the day that we make the down payment on taking the country back. >> reporter: iowa state
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university's been getting ready for the all day vote. candidates have to get their supporters here to ames. >> very important test of every organization is at this stage. >> reporter: but sarah palin, who showed up in iowa, will pass on the straw poll. she says if she runs, it would be sexist on imply her opponent would be bachmann. >> i'm going to duke it out with the guys. >> reporter: a new guy is getting in the race saturday. rick perry will declare in south carolina, stealing some of the straw poll's thunder. >> we do some things in texas that are working. there's some things that folks in washington could look to texas and get some good lessons from. >> reporter: perry's christian conservatism has appeal in iowa. >> can he get the energy going among social conservatives maybe a little better than tim pawlenty or certainly mitt romney. >> we've had three years or sore of president obama's direction --
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>> reporter: tim pawlenty immediate as top place. >> he has to do very well in order to stay alive. >> reporter: h mitt romney was in new hampshire. he's skipping the straw poll. like rick perry, in an unconventional move it try to win the republican nomination, even to try to win the iowa caucuses early next year, without winning the straw poll. from ames, iowa, i'm steve handelsman, nbc news. meanwhile president obama is heading to the midwest on a three day bus tour to rally support for 20 wefl. the president will host town hall meetings in minnesota, iowa and illinois. he plans to discuss ways to help grow the economy and also to hear from americans who are frustrated with the recent dealings in washington. after his trip, he and the first family will travel to martha's vineyard for vacation. >> the florida pastor who sparked outrage for burning the koran is planning on holding a rally in new york for the anniversary of the september 11th attacks.
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terry jones says he and another pastor will and you can about radical islam and what he calls the dangers of the koran at a rally on september 10th. he hasn't said where in new york city that rally had been held, however. a series ares of v s of violen protests were sparked when jones' church burned the koran. new york's former police commissioner is joining the fight against rioters in london. he's agreed to act as an unpaid adviser to the british government. bratton will offer his experience. he earned the reputation for his ability to quell gang influence. five have died in the week long rioting and more than 1700 have been arrested. a big day in cuba as fidel castro celebrated his 85th
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birthday. children painted murals of castro and more than 20 different musical acts performed to honor the long time leader. he took power in 1959 and ruled for almost 50 years before turning over the reins to his brother. kim martucci is keeping an eye on the weather. tell us what's coming up. >> we have rain showers on the weather menu this weekend. the question is which day will be the worst. we hav heavy rain coming in, sob your coffee and join us on the other side of the break. [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at
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20 after the hour right now. 73 degrees outside. and now is the feel good part of the day. >> this little window. actually, it won't be that bad today, but it will be noticeably more humid than the last few
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days. we also have to make room for some rain. that is headed our way this afternoon. and especially tomorrow, don't be surprised if we get some flash flood warnings throughout your sunday. we'll take a look around on our beautiful saturday morning. sun's getting up. we have some clouds moving in, buts dry. the temperature is 74 degrees. the humidity has come up. yesterday, the humidity was down in the 30% range. this morning, we're at 73% and the winds are southeast at 5 miles an hour. all right. temperatures from around the area, it is 66 off to our west in winchester, 74 inside the beltway. nice and cool down around 61 up towards frederick. and over on the eastern shore, easton is coming in with 66 degrees. what are we looking at? the satellite shows the clouds beginning to thicken up. we have a couple of stray showers trying to move in across the eastern shore south of cambridge and we had one thunderstorm just north of the
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mason dixon line early this morning, but i think most of the activity is going to be held to a little later this afternoon. highs today will be in the middle 80s, around 88 downtown. 85 for culpepper, 87 off to the eastern shore and annapolis. thunderstorms probably popping by this afternoon. let's get into the details. we have a system that's coming out of ohio. this thing is starting to look more and more like the way winter storms do in that it's going to take a lot of energy and trances fer to the coast. and as that happens,le bring in a lot of atlantic moisture. watch this rain, here's time line sunday at 8:00 a.m. watch this rain sit right on top of us throughout the day. we could get one on on two inches of rain from the storm as it tries to send its energy to the coast and really strengthen. even on monday, we could have a leftover shower, although i think most of the day should be seeing more of a drying weather pattern. let's put this forecast in writing for you. today not bad. we're clouding over a few thunderstorms popping. 84 to 88.
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pretty warm this afternoon. and coming up this evening, the showers and thunderstorms become more widespread. we'll be easing back into the 70s. all right. going to the weekend details, sunday looking to be more and more like a washout than monday, things winding down. throughout the rest of week, we'll have a nice break tuesday and wednesday with chances for more showers and storms thursday and friday. and, hey, and i had like it stay connected with you online, so please join me on my facebook wall or tweet me. i'm known as weatherkim. so @weatherkim is how you can find me and i look forward to chatting with you. so they are two best friends who have been entertaining fans to years an despite and online petition for them to get married, bert and ernie will remain just friends. fans around the world are calling for the two muppets to tie the knot, but the show's producers say that the wedding will not happen. that the two are not even gay. they released a statement
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saying, quote, they were created to teach xhirp thchildren that can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. so they are just friends. the statement went on to say that they don't have sexual orientations. so there you go. mystery solved. last night's final score says it all. the redskins pulled out a 16-7 win over the steelers. so how did they pull it off some here's hakem dermish with your sports minute. between morning, everyone. at times the redskins looked sharp, and other times they looked sloppy, about that you's expected in the first preseason game especially considering the limited time they had to prepare. quarterback rex grossman, who matt ambitious statement that the redskins would win the division this year, was actually pretty solid. throwing about for more than 200 yards and one touchdown against the steelers. second quarter, no score, third and one, moore gets the ball, but check out barry cofield, ryan kerry began make the stop.
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take another look. kerrigan helping to make the play. pittsburgh has to punt. so ensuing redskins possession, grossman gets a low snap, but throws off his back foot to santana moss for the it touchdown. moss finished with seven catches for 64 yards. grossman 19-26 for 207 yards and that touch down. the rd skins only had three penalties, no turnovers. they defeat the steelers 16-7. here's rex grossman. sxw . >> i expected to play well, but football is such a team sport, he everybody played we would. our offensive line really set the tone with tim hightower, all those guys did a great job of playing physical and creating holes and obviously pass protect as well as they did. >> next week the redskins play the colts and you can see the game here on nbc 4 at 7:00. that's all about for now.
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i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. the d.c. court system has a special plea for people who know they've committed a crime and need to clear hair conscience. plus, after topsy-turvy week on wall street, we'll show you the impact the numbers may have had on some of your investments. and the fuel mixup that has dozens of drivers headed to the mechanic.
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welcome back to "news 4 today." it's saturday, august 13th, 2011. first a look at our forecast with kim martucci who is in for chuck this weekend. and i like the haircut. >> oh, thank you. thank positive noticing. >> the facebook folks, we all like it. >> i've gotten some speed back on that. hey, i have a suggestion for you and anybody that's wondering
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when to wash your car. this morning. >> darn. going to miss that. >> or, you willy, don't even bother. mother nature whether do it. >> put some soap on top. >> if you need to know the lawn, it would be this morning, too. your chances will go downhill this afternoon and sunday. but morning its not bad out will. here's a look at the numbers coming in. a few little showers are developing south and west of fredericks during near charlottesville, but i think a good part of our morning should be uneventful and just partly cloudy. we're at 74 now. 66 in winchester. 65 in martinsburg. la plato, 67. gaithersburg, 66. thegomery county fair is going on. this afternoon, scattered showers and storms. sunday, a good bet for rain, 82. we'll put together your beach
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forecast in a little bit. in our headlines, a bizarre and wild week on wall street ended on a good note. the dow ended up friday 125 points, closing the week at 11,269. the nasdaq was also up gaining 15 points. and the s&p 500 was up 6 points. stocks were pushed higher by positive july retail sales figures. the good note ended a week that was one that saw four separate 400 point swings in both directions. the unpredictable stock market has reeked havoc with virginia's public employee pension fund. the value has dropped by 6.4% since july 1st, losing about $3.5 billion. state officials are quick to point out that while there are big drops in the fund since july, it's it actually gone up about 20% in the past fiscal year. also taking a hit in this volatile stock market, 5 29d college plans. parents use 529s to help finance their children's secondary education.
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but states have seen major drops since july with some accounts down as much as 5%. financial analysts say while the plan's value have dropped, contributions have actually gone up as parents see an opportunity to buy low to help their kids' future educations. starting today, people who have arrest warrants in their names in the district will have an opportunity to you were hems in. the program is called safe s surrender and will be open the next three saturdays in that allows anyone who is wanted for a monavie lents felony or misdemeanor to turn themselves in and have their warrant resolved. during the last event, 98% of the people who came in were able to return home that same day. you can go do the courthouse on indiana avenue between 9:30 and 4:30 any of the nekxt three saturdays. a new task portion is trying to track down the man accused of stabbing women's back sides.
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this man is accused of stabbing at least nine women since february. it's happened at shopping malls and other retail areas. the man may be using a box cut per p members of the task force met with police officials yesterday to share information and discuss leads as well as to collaborate on how to catch the suspect. a woman lucky to be alive after her hummer caught fire yesterday morning, she said she was distracted by her cell phone, didn't even realize that massive blaze. luckily firefighters and an ambulance nearby saw the situation and rescued the woman. julie carey has the story. >> reporter: inside this inter-know isnferno is a hummer. and there was also a female driver at the wheel. she escaped unhurt thanks to the actions of this firefighter. he was driving this ambulance already transporting a patient to the hospital when he pulled on to the beltway and noticed a cloud of smoke up ahead coming from the tail pipe of a white
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hummer. >> it was a fire leaking from underneath the middle of the vehicle, a fire trail. >> reporter: worse yet, the driver was clearly oblivious to the danger, talking on her cell phone. he realized he'd have to act quickly on get her attention. >> as i was accelerating, i started laying into the air horn. she looked up and looked at me and kind of like a surprised look and i was motioning, you need to stop, you need to get over, your car's on fire. and i couldn't of jostled her over a little bit and then she stopped. >> reporter: at the same time, he was calling dispatch to get the fire crews rolling. >> i have to get the person out of the car. >> reporter: he hurried it to the driver's side window, the woman still unaware her car could go up in flames any second. >> got the door open and kind of grabbed her and said you need to go now. she said, oh, my god, it is on fire. >> reporter: he directed the woman to safety and tried the ambulance fire extinguisher, but
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it was no match and the hummer was engulfed, blazing away. fire trucks had to use foam to put out the fire. mark was tending to the patient in the ambulance who was not serious hurt, so the trip to the hospital could wait for a bit. they sayed with the hummer driver watching the flames. >> i didn't know michael was going to act the way he did. i was not expecting him to go all heroic. >> reporter: but it's not the first time he's done that. in 2001, he was named firefighter of the year for rescuing a police officer. but going before and beyond the call of duty comes naturally. >> that's what we're trained to do. i love what i do. >> reporter: in morning side, maryland, ju julie carey, news . nearly two dozen people need major car repairs after they filled up with diesel instead of regular gas. it happened on west patrick street. a tanker dispensed diesel into the station's unleaded tanks.
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the station returned about the problem after people started to call. the tanks have since been cleaned out. giant eagle says they are working with individual customers to pay them back it for repairs. despite high prices at the pump, americans are not changing the types of cars they want to drive. a recent survey shows that only 16% of people will pick a smaller car as their next vehicle. and about 25% still want an suv or crossover. about 14% want a truck. while students at that time summer off, renovation crews have been very busy at three d.c. high schools. we'll give you a sneak peek at the billion dollar changes at one of those schools coming up.
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if you didn't get your back
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to school shopping done last weekend, you have a second chance in maryland. starting tomorrow through next saturday, you can buy school supplies, shoes and clothes, minus the 6% sales tax. each item has to be less than $100 to qualify. state official its say tax free week is not only good for consumers, it also gives retailers a boost in these tough economic times. next week is going to be a busy week for d.c. school. three of the city's biggest high schools saw major renovations, all part of a $3.5 billion project to make d.c. schools and all wards more learning friendly. barbara harrison got an exclusive sneak peek at woodrow wilson high school. >> reporter: this was the original entrance here in washington, d.c. that was 75 years ago when it first open its doors and, boy, have things changed. take a look at the new way students will arrive at wilson high school againing opening day august 22nd. we got an exclusive tour from
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the project manager. >> will is the new main distance. the flow will come right from the metro. >> reporter: a grand scale atrium and an outdoor gathering spot. shall call it the prison yard. >> the courtyard was concrete, it had a couple baskets and outdated picnic tables. when it rained, it became a swimming pool because it flooded. so, yeah, this is absolutely spectacular. >> reporter: the modernization includes state-of-the-art additions. >> this is the eco lab, the new age of green houses. >> reporter: hallways have been made brighter with more windows. old spaces have been moved to make the school flow better. >> it appears we're having trouble with that tape. there will be ribbon cutting ceremonies next week to show off the big renovations.
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they'll be ready in time for the first day of school on august 22nd. the "today" show is next. let's see what they're working on this morning. amy robach joins us live from new york city. >> coming up this morning on "today," the ames straw poll gets under way today and nine republicans are on the ballot. in a contest were exceeding expectations sometimes is better than actually winning. plus on the road to recovery, char lean ash was the victim of a brutal chimp attack, but surgery has made her into it a new woman. we'll hear from her caught and the doctor on this stunning recovery. and then casey anthony's return. a judge has nixed her efforts to maintain a low profile after winning acquittal of the murder of her daughter. he's ordered her to return to florida where tensions are running high to serve a probation sentence. and then a relial life jona
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and a whale all caught on tape. we'll meet the curious photographer. back to you. >> thanks, amy. 6:42 is our time how. and kim is here. we do need some rain, right? >> ask me how many inches we need to get up to normal 1234. >> how much i thinches do we ne? >> 5.22. but we might get as much as one to two inches tomorrow. i'll get the timing down for you and theest are of your draft details.
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what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you want a firm bed you can lay on one of those, if you want a soft bed you can lay on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. then they start telling us, "well yeah, i feel sore right there in the morning." my lower back. that's right where i've been experiencing pain. now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape. oh yeah. it's really shaping to my body. when you find somebody's perfect level of comfort, that may be the first time they've ever felt a bed that feels exactly like they're hoping it would. you can adjust it however you want
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that's smoke, folks. nearly 5600 and he canners of the great dismal swamp refuge have been destroyed from a giant wildfire. crews are working to bring water to cover the blaze. this is the largest fire in the refuge's history. it started mine day ago when lightning struck the area there in southeastern virginia. the fire has gotten so big, that smoke is visible in satellite
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pictures taken from space, not the first time they've had a fire this -- this is the largest one, but they've had other fires that have been significant. scary stuff. >> it is. with a little bit of luck, they'll get rain today and better chances tomorrow. all right. this morning, it's not that bad outside. it's starting to turn a little more sticky, though. if you got used to the nice weather we had the last few days, it's going away. but we need the rain as we mentioned before the break, we're down over five inches for d.c. let's take a look around. here's what you're facing as you head out there. maybe you're going to get that lawn knowed now. i suggest you do it now because a little later today, storms will be brewing and tomorrow looks to be a washout, everybody. a quick hello to denise carter michael on on facebook. and america styles from waldorf. thanks for chatting with me this morning. hope you're off to a good start.
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let's talk about some mums coming in. it's 74. humidity 73%. winds are south/southeast at 5 miles an hour. the weather forecast today, we'll be in the middle 70s this morning and then jump up to around 84 by lunch. right around the time the thunderstorms will be developing. and hen later this afternoon, 3:00 our high of 88 with a good chance for some thunderstorms in and around the region. the best chances will be tomorrow. here's how the satellite radar loop is checking out this morning. not ooch going on other than clouds thickening up. you have to go it to the eastern shore and cambridge before you run into an isolated thunderstorm this morning. the newspapers reflect 60s in montgomery county. 70 in fret ricksburg. 65 in martinsburg, west virginia. all right. this is our future weather. i'm going to pause it for you at different times of the day so you can get a better grip of when is the rain expected it to fall. this is a computer model for
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you. notice you pause it at 3:30 this afternoon. thunderstorms up towards frederick county. and a few trying to get close to d.c., pretty much northern virginia. notice southern maryland not much going on, so i think you'll stay dry. a significant part of the day. and then as we head closer into your evening, scattered showers all around the area, even southern maryland. we'll watch what happen as we go into the overnight hours, the skylights up with heavy thunderstorms by the morning and this is just the beginning. we'll have soaking rain for your sunday, again as much as one to two inches. and because the ground is relatively dry, a lot of this water will quickly run off. we could have some flash flood warnings tomorrow. we're clouding over this afternoon and we're going to see some thunderstorms brew. 84 to 88 for your high temperature. this evening, scattered storms likely. and we're going to be taken down
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between 76 and 81 occurring tdu evening hours. not a bad beach day. i think rain holds off for you today, 83, but tomorrow not a good one for the beach. temperatures around 28 with thunderstorms likely. we've got the four day forecast up first tu, it look like sundas your washout, monday left ov overshowers. tuesday looking great, wednesday, as well, and then the end of next week, we'll introduce the chance of storms again on thursday and better odds on friday with highs back up into the middle and upper 80s which is right about where we should be according to the average high and low. >> i'll take it a lot of rain instead of 100 degrees. >> no kidding. i'm right there with you. >> thank you, kim. still ahead, football fans are lining up to share a home with chad ochocinco. hear some of the living standards he might consider in ♪
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♪ oh, won't you be good to yourself? ♪ ♪ and don't you feel like coming home? ♪ ♪ ♪ it'll be like coming home [ male announcer ] some rooms feel like a fish bowl. but in our roomy suites, you can spread out and live a little. with breakfast, dinner, and drinks included, you'll feel right at home. ♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪
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a revamped redskins kicked off the 2011 season on a high note, plus a sellout crowd to see one of the most talked about pitchers in baseball. shear hakem dermish with your morning sports. when mike shanahan and his coaching staff review the game tape this morning, there will be
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more positives than negatives for sure. starting running back tim hightower was quick on on his feet last night bursting through the steelers defense receive live and rex gross man was actually pretty good throwing for more than 200 yards and one touchdown. grossman leading the redskins down the field on their very first possession. handoff goes to tim hightower. gets great protection from the offensive line. around the end. 16 yard gainer for hightower. he finished with 44 yards on ten carries. unfortunately, the drive stalls in the red zone. from 29 yards out. wide left. graham also missed a 49 yard field goal, as well. second quarter, moore gets the ball. cofield and kerrigan make the stop. redskins first round pick ryan kerrigan help to go make the play.
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pittsburgh has to punt. redskins third and flower, throws off his back foot to moss for the up down. moss finished with seven catches, 64 yards. jim has let's defense gets tesed. ball to isaac redman and he races 22 yards for the score. steelers tie it up at seven. but kicker graham gano outscored the steelers all by himself. he was 3-3 on field goals, including his last one, hitting a 45 yarder. the redskins only had three penalties, no turnovers. they defeat the steelers 16-7 in hair first preseason game of the year. >> it definitely was fast. i don't know if faster than i anticipated, i don't know about that, but it certainly is a different speed than college and different speed than practice. but it was good to get this under my belt and i'm just going to use this for build for next week. >> we did a great job up front on our offensive line creating
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holes for tim high you tower and that guy's fun to watch run. so it set up some play action passes and we were able to get into a pretty good rhythm in the first half. >> i think right now the preseason and you want to come out and look good, so we it that part of it, but still have a lot of room to improve. >> next week the redskins play the colts and you can see the game here on nbc 4 at 7:00. talk baseball now. the hottest ticket for a sporting event last night was in wood bridge, a sellout crowd of more than 9,000 packed the stadium for steven strasburg's second rehab start. he's recovering from tomorrow johns surgery and was impressive. a picture perfect moment.tomorr johns surgery and was impressive. a picture perfect moment. facing myrtle beach. first batter of the game. and, oh, yeah, strasburg gets a strikeout hitting 98 miles per hour on the radar. he hit 99 at one point. 26 of his 33 pitches were strikes. then strasburg here throws a curveball for strike three.
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he went three innings, gave up hit, no runs, no waurlk, they w 1-0. in philadelphia, it was the hernandez hitting clinic. facing cole hamels with two on, sind sends one to the left side. ramos scores. and then in the sixth, hernandez up again, base knock to center. desmond rounding third. here comes the though from victorino and desmond is in there. hernandez went 2-3 with two rbis and gets the win. the nats beat the phillies 4-2. that's your morning sports. i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. >> soo he's one of the most loved and hated players in the mfl. but now that chad ochocinco is looking for a good home in new england, patriots fans are making their pitch to be his new
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roommate. he announced he wants to live with a fan for the first two to three weeks of the season to get acclimated to boston and before new england's first preseason game, the fans answered the call. >> he can't have ac, but i've got a box fan. and we don't have any xbox respect but we have two cats just getting over the fleas -- >> we'll get the cable back. >> i'd tlouf have him at my house. my mom can cook a good meal. and i have a big enough bed, we could share. >> we live in maine, but it's about an hour and a half ride, but he can do it. >> i might go with the second group there. mom with cook. i don't know. his only virmt is that the person have an internet connection and an x box. no air conditioning, that's fine apparently.
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>> and the account cats. tiger woods need as bit of a laugh and all he needs to do is watch what one fan did as his game fell apart. >> beautiful looking shot here. >> yeah that just happened. tiger was hitting a shot out of the gallery on the second hole when bone of the fans decided to get face time. if tiger saw it he probably was not amused. woods missed the cut and finished his short weekend at 10 over par. but that guy's pretty funny. so i think that was actually on television like that. >> i know it made like the yahoo! news alerts. >> good for him. you have to have a little fun at these things. that is it for "news 4 today." we're back in about 25 minutes during the "today" show with a local new and weather update. of course we invite you to join us again at 9:00 for a full 90 minutes of news. have a great day.


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